Friday, May 9, 2014

To Cherish Forever and Ever!

Now that I'm home, for good, after a four year hiatus, every slight event triggers a cherished memory of my college life. So I decided that it'd be better if I record all the things which reminds me of college.

--> The other day I was watching TV (Sun Music, I think) and a song from Raja Rani - Chillena was played. The scene which was taken in our college brought to my mind all the films which were shot in our campus when we were there. Back then we hardly paid any attention to the movies being shot, but now I long to see some movie, any movie with any actor as long as it's taken in SSN.

--> Today the 12th standard results came. Some of my dad's colleagues called me up and asked about the management quota admission procedure to SSN. My mind flew back to that rainy day - June 6th 2010, to be precise - when my Mom and I walked up and down V.M. Street in search of the SSN office. Since the final date to submit the application form was over, we had a lot of trouble getting the man in charge to accept my form. The passport size photo I took that day, in some photo studio at the corner of V.M. Street will haunt the rest of my life as it's there in my pan card.

-->I only have to open Facebook and my eyes are inevitably drawn to our closed group SSN ECE-B Version 5.0 (Life and Beyond). The life and beyond part sounds very final, as if everything's over. Whom am I kidding? Of course, everything IS over.

--> Every time I see the cover pics of Swarupa, Shan, Shiwani and Sowmya I am reminded of our Ooty trip. That picture is priceless. It takes you right back to the moment when we realised we would not have time to give 10 different expressions as we had decided. The last night of the trip, at 4 AM , when I said good bye to everyone I hadn't realised that I would never meet some of those people for a long long time. It hadn't sunk in. I kept thinking there was more to come. Now as I sit alone at 11 PM in the night inside a closed room in some remote corner of Trichy, it sinks in. Oh, if only that day could come back, I'll at least say a proper good bye. But will that be enough?

--> This afternoon I spoke to KJ. She's leaving tomorrow to Mysore. We talked about random things, there wasn't a pause in our conversation. But as we spoke I realised that she's moving on, a new life, new friends and a job. It got me thinking if we'd ever have convos like this again, without a pause. I know somewhere deep in my heart that this is the start of many such final conversations I'll have with my friends before they embark on the journey that is destined for them. I don't know how I'm going to take the last talk with Rashmi or Vignesh or Swarupa when they leave to US. But I'll have to do it, won't I?

--> I was seeing SSN ECE B version 1.0 sometime back. God, how many pictures we've taken - without an IV too. I'm sure each one of us would've taken a picture with every other person in the class. I remember the day we took our class photo. We were outside the audi and what started out as a two person picture ended up as the entire class girls only picture. Well, ECE-B has taught me not to be shy especially when it comes to cakes and pictures :D And incidentally, that was the last time we took a picture with the entire class. Farewell ku Varalakshmi varala.

--> From the very first EDC lab to the RF and Microwave lab, it was always fun. Lab classes makes me think of all the gossip we shared. I became friends with a lot of people only because they were in my batch. Yes, a definite bonding time.

-->Our group description for the 4th version touched my heart. Let's forget our egos, it said. I only wish I'd done it earlier. But there's no use regretting it now. If only I could go back in time..I'd do things differently.

--> நண்பன் ஒருவன் வந்த பிறகு விண்ணைத் தொடலாம் உந்தன் சிறகு....

வானுக்கும் எல்லை உண்டு நட்புக்கில்லையே 
The lyrics hardly matter to me anymore. But still I feel inexplicably sad whenever I hear the song. I think it's because it reminds me of the last few days in hostel when we all would invariably go for a walk every evening and play the song in all our mobiles trying to sync it. I remember the place we did this everyday. What I would not give to go back there and do this one more time at 8 PM when the security blows his whistle right in our ears.

--> The day before Orbitce was very special. I remember seeing Shan's ECE and reading it as IECIE :D Rashmi and Raghav preparing for their compering the next day, the Orbitce main poster being hung on the audi walls, the Joker which Nadar did for scribblers, the Kavin's milk Vanilla which psycho gave us when we were ravenous. It'll never ever come again, la? Every last is over - last Orbitce, last IV, last Instincts, last weekend, last day, last bus ride, last night at hostel. Now there's nothing left of college.

-->Anna university managed to do a few things for us. It killed our inquisitive nature. I remember how PT, Vamsa and Vijay used to ask doubts in first year, driving Sophia mam crazy. By the end of our fourth year I only remember PT and Vamsa sleeping during class hours. Vijay, lucky kid, managed to escape before things became too oppressive. 

--> Final semester naale, I can only think of our department vaasal and the conflict of interest with our batch mates when the time comes for us to knock our guide's door. Endless coffee at stores, the countless diary milks and mango bytes - heaven. Nostalgia at it's peak.

--> Above all there is the belief that we are one, if there is a problem we can talk about that freely without feeling self conscious to anyone - as long as that person is a part of ECE B.

To one awesome class,

To one hell of a journey,
To the past four years,

Friday, April 12, 2013

To the Best Seniors Ever!

                            As I sat there looking at my class,my eyes suddenly filled with tears.All of them were discussing the farewell plans and all I could think of was the three people whom we will surely miss.
                           I remember the first time you called me,Nandhini akka,'Antha kutti ponnu enge?' were your exact words and I didn't like you because of that.After that we used to smile wherever we met.Do you remember the day,you came and asked me hesitantly if I was free and if I could do a little obse work for you?By then I had started liking you so much that I couldn't say no and when I told this to Rags,she was angry with me,calling me stupid to agree,when I myself had so much to do(That was the start of your friendship,I guess)But then you gave me a kit kat which I think was the starting chocolate of all the chocolates you've given me till now!
                           When i met you,Roshani akka,my first impression was that you were a studious and intelligent person.But now I think,you are not at all studious but really really intelligent.What connected us initially was Vampire Diaries and Damon,I think.I remember one day when I came to your room at 12 in the night to get season 3 and you made me sit and watch the last 10 minutes of season 3,episode 10 and the whole night I could dream of nothing but that.
                           My first memory of you,Jana akka,is when you screamed because of a lizard which was residing in a corner of your room and since I had always thought of you as a mentally strong person,it amused me that you would be afraid of such a tiny little lizard.Your conversations with Nandhini akka are so damn hilarious.When we come to her for advice on a particular subject,your first reaction always is,'Namma ithellam padichoma?',and after getting to know you better,I realised that you really do not remember :).
                         Yes,we have had our differences.I remember the time when none of could bring ourselves to talk to you when you were in your 7th semester.That seems a long time ago,now.That we could conquer our differences and be on the best of terms (i.e. better than before) proves that our friendship was tested and it has stayed strong.
                          But to me,personally,your 8th semester has been really really emotional.There are so many memories that I'll cherish forever.Be it the n number of times we came to your room to do nothing but chat,or when we told you about our deep dark secret,or when we had to cut butterflies till 10 in the night-really enjoying the time together,or when we begged Nandhini akka to sleep in our room the night before POM UT.Those were the best times and my heart yearns for more such Instincts we can have together,but it is destined that we cannot have even a single more :( By now,the number of times you three have given us treat would have crossed infinity and the number of mango bytes I've had from you,Nandhini akka,whenever you come from home has been a partial cause of making me write this :P
                            Be it the time we went for Vishwaroopam or when we went to the stores(last week) I can never forget it mainly because you three were there.We really want to spend all our evenings in your room but these exams come in between us.As we said in our farewell invitation,the clock is ticking and the time we have left with you is numbered and maybe that's why I'm crying as I write this.I cannot imagine LH1 without you three and Don akka in room no.5 & 6.I simply cannot think of the time when you'll leave us,when we won't be able to see you anytime we want.Imagine coming from class and not coming to your room directly to have a chat and without you in the dept. corridors,life seems a little bleak,as if all joy has been washed away.When Vaish cried the other night,I thought I wouldn't,at least not till the farewell is over.But apparently ,it seems like I do not have a strong control over my emotions.
                           I know Roshani akka thinks we like Nandhini akka more,but then we love you no less.And though I know Jana akka,a lot less,you are one among my most favorite people in the world who can always,always make me smile.
                           Ours is a really special bond and I am truly happy that I chose to come here,to join ECE and to become your friend.
P.S. It was supposed to be touchy and 
I may not text,I may not call,but the three of you and the memories we share will last with me forever.See,you won't cry on Sunday because of me :)
And now I really have to search for a handkerchief. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

GATE , GRE , TOEFL , IELTS and ..what not!!

                     One fine day it happens to every Engineering student.One fine day,your world falls apart.It gets torn to shreds.And you are left alone to pick up the millions of pieces now flying around.[Imagine it like the climax scene of Mouna Raagam where Revathi tears up the divorce papers and leaves a stunned Mohan alone,to realize what's going on!]
                      Yes,from my experience[I'm 20 years old,give me some credit],everything will start innocuously.Someone,a relative or a family friend,comes to your home and starts asking you about your future plans.You stand there bewildered,for one second,asking yourself if she is talking to you or your elder(or younger) sister lurking behind you in the corner.You open your mouth to say,"Aunty,I've just joined Engineering,I'm having my sem hols now" and then comes THE MOMENT,bham!!
                   That is when you realize that 2 years of your Engineering  life is over!!You'll be starting your third year in just a few days and people expect you to have plans and all.Your peaceful life in now gone forever.No more Chicken Invaders,no more Texas Hold Em Poker,no more F.R.I.E.N.D.S.,...basically no more FUN!!You get depressed.You try talking to your mother,your sister,just about anyone who is willing to listen.And you get the point.Now,you cannot talk.You listen.Ideas start pouring in.
                  Your Mom says,"Start preparing for GATE.Be in India itself.How can we send you abroad?You won't be able to cope up.Alone".Your father says,"Why don't you write GRE?It seems there is a lot of opportunity for ECE students in the U.S. and all".Your sister(or brother) says,"It's your wish.Figure out what you are good at.If you want to continue in this stream itself then start your preparation right now.Or if you think you might be good in Management and stuff,write CAT.But remember,if you are writing CAT,and even if you get one of the IIM's,you'll need a good profile to get shortlisted for interviews there!So start building your profile." After your sister's advice,which by far is more specific,you get the feeling that you'll be better off writing CAT,and you start thinking about your resume'.You think and think and think.But end up with nothing which will spike your resume'.And another depression process starts.It might last for a week.Maybe till your sister calls you again.Then she gives you some more solid advice.
                 You are just about to choose CAT,when suddenly an uncle from abroad comes and says,"Engineering students should not take up management.Being an Engineer,they should be good enough to manage everything by themselves without doing an extra degree.It will be a waste of four years of your life,if you do decide to write CAT.Write GRE.Come to U.S.A.You have an amazing potential there". And you start to think,he is right,what is the point of me slogging day and night for four years[doesn't matter even if it is untrue],if I change my line completely.You decide to write GATE and GRE.
                Now that you are clear,you talk to your parents.They are doubtful.They ask you if you will be able to do both and you say nonchalantly,"Oh yeah!Sure!Didn't I prepare for the JEE + my school exams and all?".Stupid remark.You bang yourself (mentally)against a wall as they remind you that your IIT scores were pretty poor.You again strive for nonchalance as you say,"I know I can do this.I mean how tough is English gonna be?".You act coolly on the outside,go to class,tell everyone you've decided.But on the inside you know you're a mental wreck.A thousand and one questions are raging through your mind.What if this is not the right thing for me ? what if I screw up everything and in the end be the only person who has chosen the wrong stuff ? Putting all your what if's aside,you take up GRE English and start mugging,decide that its not as easy as it sounds.But you continue all the same.
                 And around that time,your parents come and say,"why don't you write the IAS exam ? "That,for me,was the last straw.I literally went and banged my head on a wall.How can your life turn upside down within two months ? What if I don't want to do any higher studies ? I'm just twenty.I've my whole life ahead of me.I can just go work and decide later what I want to study,IF I want to study.What's the big rush ? Its not like the world is going to end tomorrow.For decisions like this,I get the feeling that we should be left alone for a week without someone nagging us all the time.
               I mean,for all I know,my whole area of interest can change tomorrow.I might become interested in web-designing,dancing,painting or tennis.After about 2000 words,you might or might not want to know what I have decided.So,here it is..TAKE LIFE AS IT COMES :D
P.S. Sorry for unloading all my burdens on you :P

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

#Copied :D

I read this amazing story recently and it was so good,that I felt compelled to cut ,copy and paste it on my blog.
                                ***********************                                   Once upon a time, there lived a tiny, little kid named eLectron. He was a very active, energetic child. He would never stay at a place – keeps running about and spinning around. His father keeps asking him ” Where are you ? ” and yelling ” How fast are you running ! ” – but he always gets back an uncertain answer.
                                He was not exceptional, because the country he lived in had strange rules.  One of the rules in the country is that ‘ There shall be no law and order’. Citizens are entitled to go as random as they could. This law was popularly known as Second Law of Thermodynamics. King Pauli had imposed a rule saying that no two members will have the same address and hence all of them lived separately, having their own numbers to their houses.  The Casinos there were going at a loss, since they were good in playing games based on chances. Uncle Hund had advised him that whenever he goes by public bus or train, he is to never sit with his fellowmates, if any of the seat is unoccupied. It is only if all the seats are singly occupied, he pairs up. If the bus/train is full, he doesn’t get in.
                               eLectron grew up to a young man. One day, he met with a girl and fell in love. Her name was Photon. She was also in many ways similar to eLectron. She too was very active, not to be found at any single location, always running about at lightning speed. Though eLectron was repulsive with his own family members, he could very well interact with Photon. He got high and excited whenever he saw her. They decided to marry.
                              But unfortunately, there was a problem. eLectron belonged to the race called Fermions where as Photon belonged to the race of Bosons. eLectron’s family members were against this inter race marriage. They decided to punish all the Photon’s family members. So they invited an officer from India to their place. They all sat together, discussed and decided on a master plan to let the Photon and her members to let freely initially – a trick commonly followed by Policemen. Then they surrounded them with a weapon called Lens and have managed to arrest them and confine them in prison. Investigations are being made and judgement is awaited.
P.S. I just had one question after I read it..How do people come up with stuff like this?Simply one word,Brilliant.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Why this Kolaveri Di?

          In my sleep deprived state,I was not sure my eyes were working properly.I mean,I know I saw it,but still had to confirm.Yes,I was definitely going mad.What with studying every night,the last week,I was sure my eyes were playing tricks on me.The very thought that my sister had heard a Tam song before I did,was ridiculous.It was unsettling,it made me feel like I had ceased to be a teen from that instant and somehow I became old.
         It all started with that status message she posted in Facebook.It went something like this.."Just heard,why this kolaveri di?.An effing awesome song :D"..Closing my books,and opening my half closed eyes,I started searching the net frantically for that song.It was around eleven thirty in the night and I knew I had to be quick coz I can browse only till twelve.Google Search,thank God,gave me results in a matter of a few nano seconds.I clicked the first link which happened to give me the lyrics.I glanced at it and was for a few instants stupified.What utter gibberish.This piece of crap was making news?And my sister,whom I always believed to have a decent taste in music,actually liked THIS?Okay,now I know for sure that studying signals was taking its toll.I was slowly but surely becoming mad.
         Anyways,I decided not to make any hasty decisions and searched for a link that would give me the song.But every time I found one,It would say something like,"Proxy Error" or "Not a safe site.If you think this site is safe contact your so".Getting fed up,I went to the third page of the results and tried one last time.And I guess lady luck was on my side now.Yay!!!I got it :D..I quickly downloaded it and listened to the song.The first thing that caught my attention was Dhanush's voice which sort of sounded drowsy.I later learned that,it was the effect of making him sound like he was drunk.And I think it worked fabulously.
         "This song is awesome,really really awesome"..that  was my first thought.The lyrics were lol max,what with soup boys,holy cow and all.It was in my sister's words,just effing awesome :D..The tune was catchy(almost a million people have said that now)..but the best part of the song,according to me,was the feel that Dhanush imparted to it.It was like nothing I have ever heard before.Professional opinion may be different..but to a layman in music like me,I'm sure it's going to remain in their playlist for at least two months. :-)
         Within two days,I heard so many people talking about it,so many people using it in context with exams,with their jobs and all,that it was very very entertaining.The song had become a sensation,I could not only see it but I also read so many many many articles about this song.One particular article in The Deccan Chronicles had this very apt title "Kola very good" and it compared this song with a paneer dosa.I think I liked the latter part of it more than the article itself :D
 P.S.Hope the other songs from 3 are THIS good :-)
 P.S.1...Just heard one of my North Indian friends listening to this song :D


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Growing Up :D

I've always been short.Yes,always.Ever since my 9th standard,I was one among the first two persons to stand in the morning assembly line.Its always bothered me a little,I s'pose..coz if we stand first,we're more likely to get caught when we talk during the prayers..And I have to sit in the first bench,right under the teacher's nose :-(..No copying in tests,no eating during class hours,no taking part in the discussions which always took place at the back of the class.And the worst part was I had to concentrate in every class.There was simply no other option. So basically,there was not much fun involved.
       And to top it off,my English teacher during my 9th and 10th,wanted me to plait my already short hair.In order to avoid that I cut it again so that I only had to wear a hair band,giving me a permanently childish look :D Stupid move on my part,I now agree :-( 
       Coming back..Once in my 11th standard my Chemistry miss told me to sit in the second last bench.I was so ecstatic with my new found freedom,that I over used it a lil :-)..Hmmm,okay,A Lot :D..We ended up talking so much that she again shifted me to the 2nd bench :-( 
       And there is also the fact that most people ask me if I'm doing my tenth now..which is humiliating,to say the least..As of now,in all my nineteen years of living,only my milkman has asked me if I had finished my college :D
       I should know by now,that appearances don't matter..that they can be deceiving and all that..but one little corner of my heart tells me that I should have tried more.Maybe I should have tried liking complan or  B-protein more, may be I should have hung on to tree branches or may be I should have tried skipping or simply I could have jumped more :-(..And now,after all these years,one of my close friends (who is also short :D)tells me that drinking more water will make me grow :-)..
       Ah,crap..whom am I trying to fool?I did try all those things..except skipping,of course.I'm much too lazy for that ..if my laziness and my wish to grow tall are kept in a balance or something,I'm sure laziness would win :D..Growing tall,according to me,must be an art,which I have failed to master :-(
      But two things bring me solace whenever I think of myself as one kulla kathrika (literal traslation : Short brinjal )..One,My Entire family is short..My sister,my father,my father's father..and the list goes on..:DSo,basically my sister and I have to blame my dad,and he has to blame his dad and so on..which kind of makes it funny :-)
       The next thing would be..I'm an optimist.I know at some point,I'll grow..taller than Vignesh or Shruthi (who are the two tallest people in our class)and I would call them kutti Vignesh and kutti Shruthi respy :D..I'll be some 6 feet + by then,that people would have to look up and speak to me :D Yes,that's gonna the next three years :D
       But,you know what the saddest part is?..Even though I go on and on and on about being short..I never ever feel sorry for myself..never get irritated when someone calls me short or asks me if I'm in my tenth..I just act hurt,but in reality,I laugh..because somehow,It's funny :D..And somehow its not going to matter if I don't grow tall ;-)
      MORAL OF THE STORY: Congratulations!!! You've just wasted some 1 minutes 40 seconds of your time reading nothing important and finally realising that the author(that would be me :P) has simply written some arbitrary emotional crap :D 
P.S. Time wastage intended :P
P.S. Those who have mastered the art,please stop raising your collar :P
Have a nice day!!!Cheers!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My awesome 19th Birthday :)

Left alone to my thoughts,I found it wandering towards the evening of the 19th of August. I was told later that my friends started planning my birthday long back, a month be exact. Btw guys ,I am flattered :D Their plan goes like this..
          At 12 am on the 20th of August,2011 ,I was to be woken up and brought to Rashmi's room where they would have already done the decoration stuff and have my birthday cake ready .I was to cut the cake and give it to everyone .After that they would apply the cream on my face and take a picture .Then while I was cleaning my face they would switch off the lights and show me the video that Aarthi and Rashmi made .When this gets over ,they would give me my present which was to be a dress which Rashmi has bought and it will turn out to be a perfect fit. I would then comment on it and they would have the pleasure of saying that Rashmi's younger sister was about my height which had made buying it easier. Another surprise would be that I wouldn't know Vaishnavi was in the hostel,for she would put on an act that ,at any cost she wouldn't miss her school's Sports Day and would leave home in the college bus .So,when she shows up to wish me ,I would be taken by surprise and overcome by delight that she was in fact THERE when I had thought she was not :)
         It appears to be a flawless plan and it would have worked out very well if I had not been an astute person .Okay , yes ,that's a lie :D.I am in no way astute. In other words, I am one big BULB :(...But in this case, these people made so many huge blunders that even  "I" (And that's one big capital I) was able to find out.
        The first blunder was when Sumathi asked me if her dresses would fit me!!! I (being astute :P ) knew instantly that they were going to give me a dress :D..I mean, I can't be that stupid :D .The second one was when Vaish first told me that she wouldn't be there on my birthday. I was raving mad(and that would be an understatement :D )I started shouting at her at the top of my voice. Unfortunately(or fortunately??) this happened while we were eating in the mess and created quite a scene. Aarthi and Rashmi tried to calm me down by saying that she actuallly wasn't going, and this was actually a part of a big surprise... which sort of gave it away :D. By then I realized what was happening and acted as if I didn't hear them. Vaish still trying to maintain it ( :D )sat there looking sorry that she would miss my b’day :)..I acted as if I were angry with her even after we came to the room...So,the plan continued :)
      The third one was the day before my birthday..Vaish was supposed to be home by then and she sent me messages saying that she was sorry and stuff, still trying to maintain the act :D..Rashmi was talking on the phone and I asked who she was talking which she replied "Appa kitta "..but I had heard her saying " Aan Sollu" on the phone and I know for a fact that her constant dialogue when she talked to her dad is "Aan Yes Pa"..which confirmed my suspicions that Vaishnavi was still in the hostel :D..Me ,being brilliant ,thought she would definitely be in one of those rooms which I visited the least, so I made surprise checks to some rooms on the 2nd floor trying to catch her in the act :D..but then, she proved that she was far more clever than me by staying in Akshaya's room which is like 20 steps from ours :(
      The fourth one would be when Rashmi asked me what song I liked the most. From that ,I knew they were making a video for me :D .Then the last one was just awesome..I had to go out of the room where I burst out laughing…
      Sumathi was sent to my room to prevent me from going upstairs (they were doing the decoration stuff) in case I had the urge to do that. Little did they know that I would never ever climb 2 floors unless they assured me there were Hide n Seek biscuit packets in their room :D..Anyways , I came into my room and asked Sumathi casually where Rashmi which she became agitated and told (actually begged) me not to go to the 3rd floor and that she would do anything I wanted her to do..which is weird , coz ,after me ,she is the laziest person alive :D..hmmm, I'm still smiling when I think of that :D
       By 11:30 I was sound asleep and when Prithvi came and called me to Rashmi's room at 11:55,I just went with her. At their doorstep they shouted Happy Birthday. I went inside smiling like an idiot, saw Vaish but didn't actually show that much of a surprise..saw the cake(a chocolate cake :D),cut it after making a wish and coz I couldn't resist, I ate the first piece myself..Only after gulping down about two extra large pieces of the cake, did I start giving it to everybody :D Needless to say I was covered with cake after a few seconds and I posed gracefully ( I think!!!)for the camera :D..After that was the video, which damaged my image to the fullest extent  :)..(Thanks again Aarthi and Rash)..Then the gift came from Prithvi..a complete stationary set :D I am forever borrowing stuff from others and I start writing with whatever pen which is near to me :D So,Prithvi I would like to say a very BIG thank you again and I would be more grateful if you gave me the same thing next year too :D(coz,by then I would have definitely lost these!!! :( )Then came the top and I was wise enough to say nothing in front of all those people :) But, then Vaish was a little disappointed that her surprise didn't work out ( I had blurted it out earlier).Stupid, stupid me :(..
     My greatest surprise was yet to come, I found out later :).As soon as I entered the class Rags and Tharini gave me their gift and wished me :D..After the maths class was over, I went to the mess,ate and returned to the department coz I had lab :(..Just when I was about to comment "Life is so unfair"(My favourite dialogue),coz of the DE lab and stuff,Tharini told me she left her bottle in the canteen..We hurried back with her bringing her bag along and I, being my usual self, commented upon it which she replied that she had a hundred rupees note in that bag!!!We went inside and we (at least I )started searching the place and when it was not there, started shouting at her, telling her that she was one irresponsible person and all that. To this little outburst of mine she smiled calmly and took out her water bottle from her bag. It was only then did I see the cake and my face actually glowed after seeing the strawberry cream (or so I was told :) )My astuteness must have suddenly disappeared :D..On the cake  kutti Vidya was written(which has sort of become my name, Thanks to Vignesh Sabarinath :P )..Anyways,It was one awesome cake :)Thank You so much guys :)
                 Above all the fun I had, you know what touched me the most? The fact that you cared enough to go to such lengths to make my birthday wonderful..Vaish that part was specifically meant for you :)(Sorry, I am not good at writing senti stuff )And to think I wanted to miss all this fun..I am stupid right? :D