Sunday, October 30, 2011

Growing Up :D

I've always been short.Yes,always.Ever since my 9th standard,I was one among the first two persons to stand in the morning assembly line.Its always bothered me a little,I s'pose..coz if we stand first,we're more likely to get caught when we talk during the prayers..And I have to sit in the first bench,right under the teacher's nose :-(..No copying in tests,no eating during class hours,no taking part in the discussions which always took place at the back of the class.And the worst part was I had to concentrate in every class.There was simply no other option. So basically,there was not much fun involved.
       And to top it off,my English teacher during my 9th and 10th,wanted me to plait my already short hair.In order to avoid that I cut it again so that I only had to wear a hair band,giving me a permanently childish look :D Stupid move on my part,I now agree :-( 
       Coming back..Once in my 11th standard my Chemistry miss told me to sit in the second last bench.I was so ecstatic with my new found freedom,that I over used it a lil :-)..Hmmm,okay,A Lot :D..We ended up talking so much that she again shifted me to the 2nd bench :-( 
       And there is also the fact that most people ask me if I'm doing my tenth now..which is humiliating,to say the least..As of now,in all my nineteen years of living,only my milkman has asked me if I had finished my college :D
       I should know by now,that appearances don't matter..that they can be deceiving and all that..but one little corner of my heart tells me that I should have tried more.Maybe I should have tried liking complan or  B-protein more, may be I should have hung on to tree branches or may be I should have tried skipping or simply I could have jumped more :-(..And now,after all these years,one of my close friends (who is also short :D)tells me that drinking more water will make me grow :-)..
       Ah,crap..whom am I trying to fool?I did try all those things..except skipping,of course.I'm much too lazy for that ..if my laziness and my wish to grow tall are kept in a balance or something,I'm sure laziness would win :D..Growing tall,according to me,must be an art,which I have failed to master :-(
      But two things bring me solace whenever I think of myself as one kulla kathrika (literal traslation : Short brinjal )..One,My Entire family is short..My sister,my father,my father's father..and the list goes on..:DSo,basically my sister and I have to blame my dad,and he has to blame his dad and so on..which kind of makes it funny :-)
       The next thing would be..I'm an optimist.I know at some point,I'll grow..taller than Vignesh or Shruthi (who are the two tallest people in our class)and I would call them kutti Vignesh and kutti Shruthi respy :D..I'll be some 6 feet + by then,that people would have to look up and speak to me :D Yes,that's gonna the next three years :D
       But,you know what the saddest part is?..Even though I go on and on and on about being short..I never ever feel sorry for myself..never get irritated when someone calls me short or asks me if I'm in my tenth..I just act hurt,but in reality,I laugh..because somehow,It's funny :D..And somehow its not going to matter if I don't grow tall ;-)
      MORAL OF THE STORY: Congratulations!!! You've just wasted some 1 minutes 40 seconds of your time reading nothing important and finally realising that the author(that would be me :P) has simply written some arbitrary emotional crap :D 
P.S. Time wastage intended :P
P.S. Those who have mastered the art,please stop raising your collar :P
Have a nice day!!!Cheers!!!

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