Saturday, May 7, 2011

Physics,Chicken Invadors,Blogs n stuff...

I read this blog recently which was written by an IITian and was titled Physics-True pursuit of knowledge..:O.The content goes something like this...Physics quenches our thirst for knowledge,though it does not help us in our day to day life.It truly makes our mind to work and so on...
              So,after seeing this I took out a really big quantum mech. book and started reading it,thinking that it will develop my intellect,make my brain to really work for once...You know what I ended up doing...???snoring loudly that my opposite room friends had to come and wake me up..:D
              the story goes..I decided I should do something to inculcate the passion for studies and did a lot of research..what I found out was even more amazing ....there are many people who like what they do,who enjoy doing what they do,who are actually good at something...not totally clueless about what they are going to do in the future like me...:(Realising that this was a very serious issue I went on to try a lot of stuff which includes singing,sketching(..:D..I know it's totally not me..:) ),some movie editing stuff,blogging etc... from what I've told you,you can see I went to great lengths find out what I was interested in ..:D..
                                        Each of these attempts ended in a disaster..:D..I knew singing wouldn't work for sure coz the last time I tried to learn it properly my sir had to literally push me out the door to keep me from singing(I was pretty bad..:D).Oh,It was not because of my enthusiasm that made me really persistent  if that was what you were thinking..:D..It was simply because I was really bored doing nothing at home and I followed my sister around like a hutch dog everywhere she went..:D
                                     Trying to sketch was the worst disaster,I would say..:(..But then I knew it wouldn't work either.:(..Way back in KG 2,when we had our painting exam I was given a quarter-sized chart to draw a flower and me being as intelligent as I am drew this very tiny little flower which my teacher had to see with a magnifying lens..My mom said my teacher failed me because of that and she had to go and ask the principal to make me pass..:D..which in turn proves that crayons and I were not the best of friends from the very beginning..:D
                             Putting behind all my failed efforts to find out something that I would really really want to do,I realised this was not the time to worry about the bigger things in life...and started playing Chicken Invadors to which I still remain faithful..:D..and to say the least I play it with a passion which borders on madness..:D.And my true intent for all that work has been realised as I actually like what I am doing now..:D      

P.S.I still do not know the intent of this post..but then who cares..:D:D    


  1. hey too cool a post:)
    you've made it very interesting...
    i had good time reading it.....
