Friday, May 9, 2014

To Cherish Forever and Ever!

Now that I'm home, for good, after a four year hiatus, every slight event triggers a cherished memory of my college life. So I decided that it'd be better if I record all the things which reminds me of college.

--> The other day I was watching TV (Sun Music, I think) and a song from Raja Rani - Chillena was played. The scene which was taken in our college brought to my mind all the films which were shot in our campus when we were there. Back then we hardly paid any attention to the movies being shot, but now I long to see some movie, any movie with any actor as long as it's taken in SSN.

--> Today the 12th standard results came. Some of my dad's colleagues called me up and asked about the management quota admission procedure to SSN. My mind flew back to that rainy day - June 6th 2010, to be precise - when my Mom and I walked up and down V.M. Street in search of the SSN office. Since the final date to submit the application form was over, we had a lot of trouble getting the man in charge to accept my form. The passport size photo I took that day, in some photo studio at the corner of V.M. Street will haunt the rest of my life as it's there in my pan card.

-->I only have to open Facebook and my eyes are inevitably drawn to our closed group SSN ECE-B Version 5.0 (Life and Beyond). The life and beyond part sounds very final, as if everything's over. Whom am I kidding? Of course, everything IS over.

--> Every time I see the cover pics of Swarupa, Shan, Shiwani and Sowmya I am reminded of our Ooty trip. That picture is priceless. It takes you right back to the moment when we realised we would not have time to give 10 different expressions as we had decided. The last night of the trip, at 4 AM , when I said good bye to everyone I hadn't realised that I would never meet some of those people for a long long time. It hadn't sunk in. I kept thinking there was more to come. Now as I sit alone at 11 PM in the night inside a closed room in some remote corner of Trichy, it sinks in. Oh, if only that day could come back, I'll at least say a proper good bye. But will that be enough?

--> This afternoon I spoke to KJ. She's leaving tomorrow to Mysore. We talked about random things, there wasn't a pause in our conversation. But as we spoke I realised that she's moving on, a new life, new friends and a job. It got me thinking if we'd ever have convos like this again, without a pause. I know somewhere deep in my heart that this is the start of many such final conversations I'll have with my friends before they embark on the journey that is destined for them. I don't know how I'm going to take the last talk with Rashmi or Vignesh or Swarupa when they leave to US. But I'll have to do it, won't I?

--> I was seeing SSN ECE B version 1.0 sometime back. God, how many pictures we've taken - without an IV too. I'm sure each one of us would've taken a picture with every other person in the class. I remember the day we took our class photo. We were outside the audi and what started out as a two person picture ended up as the entire class girls only picture. Well, ECE-B has taught me not to be shy especially when it comes to cakes and pictures :D And incidentally, that was the last time we took a picture with the entire class. Farewell ku Varalakshmi varala.

--> From the very first EDC lab to the RF and Microwave lab, it was always fun. Lab classes makes me think of all the gossip we shared. I became friends with a lot of people only because they were in my batch. Yes, a definite bonding time.

-->Our group description for the 4th version touched my heart. Let's forget our egos, it said. I only wish I'd done it earlier. But there's no use regretting it now. If only I could go back in time..I'd do things differently.

--> நண்பன் ஒருவன் வந்த பிறகு விண்ணைத் தொடலாம் உந்தன் சிறகு....

வானுக்கும் எல்லை உண்டு நட்புக்கில்லையே 
The lyrics hardly matter to me anymore. But still I feel inexplicably sad whenever I hear the song. I think it's because it reminds me of the last few days in hostel when we all would invariably go for a walk every evening and play the song in all our mobiles trying to sync it. I remember the place we did this everyday. What I would not give to go back there and do this one more time at 8 PM when the security blows his whistle right in our ears.

--> The day before Orbitce was very special. I remember seeing Shan's ECE and reading it as IECIE :D Rashmi and Raghav preparing for their compering the next day, the Orbitce main poster being hung on the audi walls, the Joker which Nadar did for scribblers, the Kavin's milk Vanilla which psycho gave us when we were ravenous. It'll never ever come again, la? Every last is over - last Orbitce, last IV, last Instincts, last weekend, last day, last bus ride, last night at hostel. Now there's nothing left of college.

-->Anna university managed to do a few things for us. It killed our inquisitive nature. I remember how PT, Vamsa and Vijay used to ask doubts in first year, driving Sophia mam crazy. By the end of our fourth year I only remember PT and Vamsa sleeping during class hours. Vijay, lucky kid, managed to escape before things became too oppressive. 

--> Final semester naale, I can only think of our department vaasal and the conflict of interest with our batch mates when the time comes for us to knock our guide's door. Endless coffee at stores, the countless diary milks and mango bytes - heaven. Nostalgia at it's peak.

--> Above all there is the belief that we are one, if there is a problem we can talk about that freely without feeling self conscious to anyone - as long as that person is a part of ECE B.

To one awesome class,

To one hell of a journey,
To the past four years,