Friday, December 2, 2011

Why this Kolaveri Di?

          In my sleep deprived state,I was not sure my eyes were working properly.I mean,I know I saw it,but still had to confirm.Yes,I was definitely going mad.What with studying every night,the last week,I was sure my eyes were playing tricks on me.The very thought that my sister had heard a Tam song before I did,was ridiculous.It was unsettling,it made me feel like I had ceased to be a teen from that instant and somehow I became old.
         It all started with that status message she posted in Facebook.It went something like this.."Just heard,why this kolaveri di?.An effing awesome song :D"..Closing my books,and opening my half closed eyes,I started searching the net frantically for that song.It was around eleven thirty in the night and I knew I had to be quick coz I can browse only till twelve.Google Search,thank God,gave me results in a matter of a few nano seconds.I clicked the first link which happened to give me the lyrics.I glanced at it and was for a few instants stupified.What utter gibberish.This piece of crap was making news?And my sister,whom I always believed to have a decent taste in music,actually liked THIS?Okay,now I know for sure that studying signals was taking its toll.I was slowly but surely becoming mad.
         Anyways,I decided not to make any hasty decisions and searched for a link that would give me the song.But every time I found one,It would say something like,"Proxy Error" or "Not a safe site.If you think this site is safe contact your so".Getting fed up,I went to the third page of the results and tried one last time.And I guess lady luck was on my side now.Yay!!!I got it :D..I quickly downloaded it and listened to the song.The first thing that caught my attention was Dhanush's voice which sort of sounded drowsy.I later learned that,it was the effect of making him sound like he was drunk.And I think it worked fabulously.
         "This song is awesome,really really awesome"..that  was my first thought.The lyrics were lol max,what with soup boys,holy cow and all.It was in my sister's words,just effing awesome :D..The tune was catchy(almost a million people have said that now)..but the best part of the song,according to me,was the feel that Dhanush imparted to it.It was like nothing I have ever heard before.Professional opinion may be different..but to a layman in music like me,I'm sure it's going to remain in their playlist for at least two months. :-)
         Within two days,I heard so many people talking about it,so many people using it in context with exams,with their jobs and all,that it was very very entertaining.The song had become a sensation,I could not only see it but I also read so many many many articles about this song.One particular article in The Deccan Chronicles had this very apt title "Kola very good" and it compared this song with a paneer dosa.I think I liked the latter part of it more than the article itself :D
 P.S.Hope the other songs from 3 are THIS good :-)
 P.S.1...Just heard one of my North Indian friends listening to this song :D